Buttocks augmentation, Butt Implants
Why do we do buttocks?
In virtually all cultures, shapely buttocks have always been an important determinant of the beautiful female figure.
Until recently those whose buttocks are sagging, drooping, or poorly shaped had to live with it. Those who have flat buttocks had no real options for having rounder more desirable buttocks. Today is different and cosmetic surgery offers solutions for these problems. For those who decide to aesthetically improve his/her buttocks by plastic surgery, there are two options.
Butt implants
Butt Lift (Gluteal Lift or Gluteoplasty)
The first one of these is the butt lift, it is for those, who want to shape the buttocks and want a better contour. During this process, the excess skin is removed, and also the excess fat.
This procedure is performed to correct sagging, drooping buttocks by removing excess skin and tightening the skin above the upper part of the buttocks thereby lifting the whole butt area. The operation not just lifting the area but also can be used to create smaller and better contoured results.
The main advantage of this procedure that it is not uses artificial implants; however one’s own fat can be used if it is required. The process is ideal for those, who lost weight or just simply want to smooth out the contour of inner thigh.
Butt Implants (Gluteal Implants)
The second option is using butt implants for creating rounder, bigger and more desirable results. Using this technique can be effective way to achieve rounder and more smoothly and perfectly shaped butts. This process can be ideal for those who struggle with their flat butts and want to achieve a more curvy shape.
This procedure is usually performed to correct flat buttocks for patients who wish to add more volume and projection to their butts.
The procedure involves inserting a soft silicone implant into the muscular space of the buttocks area, creating the desired results.
These implants are very similar to the ones used for breast implants; therefore the risks associated with this procedure are also very similar to those of breast implant surgery.
(i.e. capsule formation, bleeding, infections)
The similarity of implants to the ones used in breast enlargement also means that the development of the area results more natural and comfortable feel than the ones used earlier.
After providing your personal data, our colleague will contact you in 24 hours to discuss your needs and book a personal appointment. Participation on the consultation is free of charge and means no further obligation!